NOTE: The brands DAF, IVECO, MAN, MERCEDES, RENAULT, SCANIA, VOLVO, CITROËN, FORD, FIAT, NISSAN, OPEL, PEUGEOT, IRIZAR used in this WEB, are property of the manufacturers of the referred vehicles. Its use on this website as well as the original codes, the photos and images included in this website only serve to help identify the spare part and the model of the vehicle on which these parts are mounted. Our products are completely interchangeable with the originals, although they are not original, they adapt perfectly to the vehicles for which they are designed. |
© 2023 - Avda. Reyes Católicos, 4, Esc. 2, 1A C.Postal ES28220 - Majadahonda Madrid - España
Telf. (+34) 916 347 655 (Spare parts) Telf. (+34) 916 347 658 (Sales administration) Telf. (+34) 916 347 657 (Purchases) Telf. (+34) 916 362 721 (Accounting)
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